Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A new year

This next year holds a lot of changes for me. In the next 6 months, I am changing my name, graduating college with a bachelors degree(first in my family), hopefully starting a new job, and moving to a new house. I am so anxious. I have no idea what God has in his plans for me during this time. All I know is that he will provide for me. I need a job, he will provide me one; I need a house, he will provide me one, etc. The last four years have been one bumpy ride, but that road is finally coming to an end. It is my hope for this year to have a more stable life in all areas: relationships, family, jobs, homes, everything. That is my goal number one. If I can achieve just part of that goal I will be ecstatic!

New Year's Goals

Be fit and active

Find emotional and financial stability

say goodbye to an old part of my life

say hello to my new life

change my name


find a job

Find an apartment

learn to live on my own

and the list goes on and on...but its a good start.

I'll keep you posted!